March 4, 2011

How to Cut Styrofoam

Day 4 of National Craft Month!

Styrofoam is a wonderful craft tool for floral arrangements, but how do you cut it? Cutting Craft Styrofoam really depends on how thick it is. For thicker Styrofoam an electric knife (you know the kind you would use to cut the turkey at Thanksgiving) works great. For thinner Styrofoam, ones that are only one inch thick or less, a serrated bread knife works awesome.

First, begin by tracing out your pattern on a scrap piece of paper.

Next, mark your pattern onto the Styrofoam with a blunt instrument, I used a metal chopstick but the tip of a paint brush would work well, also.

Begin by cutting the straight edges first. To not damage your work surface-be sure to use a cutting board or cutting mat.

To finish the design slowly cut the curves of the Styrofoam running your knife along the edge at an angle.

Several pieces of Styrofoam can be glued together or even stacked one on top of the other to form a design.

To purchase the Styrofoam seen here along with other sizes visit Consumer Crafts.

This weekend only at Consumer Crafts 
Saturday, March 5th, 2011 and Sunday, March 6th, 2011

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