You can experiment with other fabrics such as white cotton or white muslin. For me though, the fabric stabilizer works best for purposes of a canvas.
Fabric stabilizer can be found at
The product name is: Totally Stable Iron On Tear Away Stabilizer 20X36, Item 101345. The description of the stabilizer is to: Eliminate the annoying shifting sliding and puckering of material. Excess then tears away easily. For appliqué, decorative stitching, buttonholes, delicate fabrics, and quilt templates.
Materials Needed:
Fabric Stabilizer
Fine Acrylic Marker
Packing Tape
Find interesting flowers and green leaves that you like.
Place the flowers bloom side down against the fabric stabilizer. Add some leaves and arrange it randomly or in whatever pattern you like.
Tape the flowers down using packing tape.
Turn the stabilizer over and begin to hammer it. The flowers colors will start to come to the surface of the fabric as you hammer.
Once hammering is complete remove tape and brush away the flowers and leaves. Then outline flower print with a fine tip acrylic marker. Use additional acrylic markers for shadowing if necessary.
Frame artwork.
Love this idea. Found you on Bowdabra.
Janis - author of Tadeo Turtle