February 17, 2010

Butterfly Costume Step-by-Step Picture Instructions

As many of you know, from reading my blog, I love dress-up costumes. Children love to dress-up and use their imagination. My goal is to come up with easy costume directions that you can follow and make for your kids. Make-believe is wonderful for children and helps to expand their imaginations. So get off the couch, shut-off the television, and put on a play with your “buggy” costumes.

My dress-up costumes can also be used for the play "Going Buggy" it is a grade school play.



Butterfly Tutorial:

Materials Needed:
Black Sweatshirt
2 Silk Fabrics (2 separate colors, 1yd of each approximate)
Sewing Machine (optional)

1. Begin by choosing 2 silk fabrics for your butterfly wings. You will need one color for the top wings and another color for the bottom wings.
2. Lay the silk down on a hard surface (preferably a table or large counter-top). Lay the sweatshirt on top of the silk. Raise one of the arms of the sweatshirt. Trace the outline of the shirt sleeve and down the bottom of the sweatshirt about 2 inches from the bottom with chalk.

3. Draw curves along the side (opposite side of the shirt) for the butterfly wing details. Draw a line from the bottom of the shirt (2 inches up) to the other side of the wing at an angle. Fold the silk in half cut the two wings out (use the chalk lines as a template).

4. Next, draw on the other style silk the bottom wing. The top wing and the bottom wing will be sewn together. Use the top wing as a guide for the forming of the top angled line, the curved edges, and the bottom point. The bottom wing will be sewn to the last 2 inches that you left at the bottom of the sweatshirt.

5. Sew the top wing to the bottom wing (for both sides).

6. Cut the sleeve and sides of the sweat shirt open. I did not bother to seam rip I just cut them. (There was no seam on the side of sweat shirt I just cut along the side in an even line.)
7. Turn the sweat shirt inside out and sew the top of the wing along the inside of the arm. (Pin the wings in place first so that you can check that the fabric is going the right way. Good rule to remember front sides or right sides pressed together.)

8. Next, sew the sides of the wing along the side of the sweatshirt.

9. Turn, sweat shirt right side out and wings are ready to use. If you notice the silk fraying use liquid fray check or fray blocker.

To add butterfly antenna's visit my: Diva Bug Antennas Post

For more Dress-Up Costumes Tutorials search the dress-up label.


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