January 15, 2013

Craft Room Revamped and Organized

Crafting is one of those things the longer you do it the more stuff you collect. For me to be at my most creative, my craft room needs to be organized.

I have a small section of our basement that I call my "craft room".  I have made many changes to my craft room over the years. When I originally started crafting most of my work was sewing, it has since evolved to ribbon art, hair bow making, jewelry making, home décor, crocheting, scrapbooking, and card-making. All those hobbies mean lots of stuff.

In 2011, I shared a sneak peek into my craft room. At that time I had every piece of crafting material I own stuffed into a tiny little space. Which meant lots of shelving and storage containers. I had a total of 5 storage-shelving units in that very small space. I started hating being in my craft room because I felt overwhelmed and trapped by all my craft goodies.

In 2012, I started to open the room up a bit but I still had lots of shelving hidden behind a folding wall. The shelving was really hard to get at and limited me to only one table. At the time I had a total of 4 storage-shelving units.

My goal for 2013 is to minimize. Right now, I am only keeping in my craft room basic crafting materials and current seasonal items. I now only have 2 storage-shelving units and a handmade ribbon rack. I am really enjoying my space because I don’t feel so closed in and overwhelmed. I store seasonal items in storage containers in our shed and attic. I just pull the boxes that I need for each season.

Here is a look back at my craft room over the years.

Tips for Organizing Your Craft Room:

Keep clear small labeled storage containers to make finding your crafting materials easy. I really hate searching for craft supplies. If everything is neatly labeled and quick to find the creative process is that much easier.

Extra table space is a must! When sewing or scrapbooking I find that I need lots of table space. I use one table for creating and the other for photography. The two tables give me lots of room to spread out and have fun with a project.

Lots of lighting! For 2013, I am going to make an effort to do more video tutorials. Video tutorials are extra hard for me because I have been doing written tutorials, (in my pajamas) for so long. But I am going to try to step-out of my comfort zone and do some videos.

I hope you enjoyed my craft room revamp along with tips for organizing your craft room! Check out my tips for organizing your home.

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